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منتديات الدكتورة افنان

المواضيع الأخيرة

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» انواع الحب الحقيقي ....
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    Forceps Primary Surgery

    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    انثى عدد الرسائل : 930
    البلد : مملكة بين السطور .. يحكمها قلم ..
    القسم المفضل : عيادة الطب الجنائي
    الأوسمة : Forceps  Primary Surgery Top1
    نقاط : 59387
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/07/2008

    Forceps  Primary Surgery Empty Forceps Primary Surgery

    مُساهمة من طرف الأسيرة الخميس مايو 21, 2009 5:44 pm

    forceps can be short for working close to the surface, or longer for working more deeply. They can be plain, or toothed with an odd number of teeth on one jaw, and an even number on the other, either one into two teeth, or three teeth into four, etc. Toothed forceps hold tissue so firmly that only a little pressure is necessary; but they can easily puncture a hollow viscus or a blood vessel. Strong, plain, straight forceps without teeth are even more useful for blunt dissection than they are for holding tissues.

    Tissue (locking) forceps have a ratchet which keeps them closed. Some have teeth (Allis') and some have none (Babcock's). The blades of Allis' forceps meet together, and inevitably injure the tissues a little, whereas Babcock's have bowed jaws with a gap between them. This makes them gentler but less secure. When you use Allis' forceps for retracting a skin flap, apply them to the subcutaneous tissue or fascia, and not to the skin itself, which may be injured. Kocher's forceps are stronger, and even more traumatic; they are for clamping wide vascular pedicles, so that the vessels do not slip out (3.2).

    FORCEPS, dissecting, thumb, blunt, non-toothed, Bonney's, 180 mm, three only. These are strong dissecting forceps without teeth.

    FORCEPS, dissecting, thumb, toothed, Treves', 1[mu]2 teeth, 130 mm, five only. These are the standard toothed dissecting forceps.

    FORCEPS, dissecting, thumb, fine, Adson's, (a) plain, (b) 1[mu]2 teeth, 120 mm, two only of each. These have broad handles and fine points and are particularly useful for the eye.

    FORCEPS, dissecting, thumb, Duval's, 150 mm, with non-traumatic teeth on triangular jaws, two only. These are thumb forceps for general use.

    FORCEPS, dissecting, thumb, toothed, 180 mm, one only. These are long fine dissecting forceps.

    FORCEPS, dissecting, thumb, Maingot's, 280 mm, one only. These are large toothed forceps with fenestrated sides that are easy to hold.

    FORCEPS, dissecting, McIndoe's, plain, 150 mm, one only. These are for the hand set.

    FORCEPS, dissecting, ophthalmic, Silcock's, 100 mm, one only, This is a fine pair of forceps for operating on the eye or the hand.

    FORCEPS, tissue, locking, Allis', box joint, 150 mm, 5[mu]6 teeth, eight only.

    FORCEPS, tissue, locking, Babcock's, box joint, 160 mm, two only. These have a bar on each blade that comes together gently without damaging the tissues. Use them to hold gut.

    FORCEPS, tissue, Lane's, 15 cm, two only. These have curved jaws, teeth and a ratchet.

    FORCEPS, sinus, Lister, box joint 150 mm, two only. You can use these for many other purposes besides exploring sinuses. Use them for packing the nose, or putting a drain into an abscess cavity.

    FORCEPS, cholecystectomy, curved jaws with longitudinal serrations, Lahey's, box joint, 200 mm, one only. These forceps are useful for other purposes besides dissecting out the cystic duct. If you put them into the tissues and separate them, you can use their rounded ends to define arteries, veins and ducts.

    FORCEPS, intestinal, Dennis Browne, 180 mm, two only. Use these to pick up the gut during an abdominal operation, or a hernia repair.

    FORCEPS, Moynihan, box joint, 220 mm, four only. Use this massive pair of crushing forceps for wide vascular pedicles, such as those which contain the uterine vessels at hysterectomy.

    FORCEPS, Desjardin's, screw joint, one only. Use these for removing stones from the bile duct.

    FORCEPS (clamps), hysterectomy, curved, box joint, one into two teeth, 23 cm, Hunter or Maingot, four but preferably six only. Hysterectomy is difficult without several long curved clamps for big vessels, preferably with longitudinal serrations and teeth at their tips.

    Fig. 4-3 FORCEPS. Dissecting forceps are also called thumb forceps, and can be plain or toothed. Lane's tissue forceps have teeth; Babcock's (not shown) resemble Lane's, but have bars on each blade that come together gently without damaging the tissues.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 21, 2024 8:53 am